AshleyOut.com urge all fans of Newcastle United, and indeed any other football fan who sympathises with our cause, to participate in an embargo on all of Mike Ashley’s businesses and those who have associated themselves with our club.

This will be a permanent and extensive embargo until Mike Ashley has cut all his ties with our club. It is an act of defiance that EVERY fan around the globe can participate in and every fan can choose the extent to which they participate.
It is clear that Ashley’s sole motivation is money. The decisions he has made in line with this have been to the detriment of the team, the welfare of the fans and the club’s heritage. This damage will continue while the loyalty of our fanbase is exploited. In the five years since Mike Ashley made any contribution to the club, our fanbase has spent £123m on match days alone. It is time for us to stop financing what has become nothing more than his shop’s advertising vehicle.
AshleyOut.com is an all-inclusive, UNITED movement against one man only. We refuse to criticise any fan for their dedication to the club and we refuse to tell any fan what they must do. However, we ask every fan, what can you sacrifice to ensure Mike Ashley gets not a penny more?
We urge all fans to use and share the information about how to cancel season tickets, restrict spending at the club, avoid the many businesses and brands under embargo and use instead the alternatives presented here on AshleyOut.com. We want to ensure as little of our hard earned money as possible finds its way to Mike Ashley either directly or indirectly. We also wish to press upon the business partners of Ashley that their business interests are also under embargo from Newcastle United fans until they cut ties with him.
An embargo is not a particularly visible protest, nor does it immediately satisfy the desire to show your anger and be heard. However, it is a long-term, attritional battle that will hasten Ashley’s exit from our club as his association becomes a toxic drain on his resources rather than ours.
AshleyOut.com needs your help. If you have any further information, requests or suggestions in this area please let us know at [email protected]
Sun Seeker
I am somewhat disappointed by your drive to boycott Sports Direct. This will not only impact and potentially hurt Mike Ashley but also many of the low paid workers who are putting their lives on hold waiting for a promise of shares in the company.
My son and his partner have worked countless hours on renovating a house and need the share option to finish their family home. My sons partner works from 7am to 5pm and 11am to after 10pm as her usual hours and will often works from 7am to after 2am during stock takes.
Clearly victims of the corporate giant go well beyond your comprehension but this modern day slavery is endured in the hope of the carrot at the end of the stick. However your well intentioned but ill thought campaign is not only hurtful but short sighted.
I have supported Newcastle from the age of 8 and I am now 51 and would gladly like to see an end to the current regime however I would not hurt others in the process.
The Mon
So you’re saying Sports Direct are slave-drivers and you’re ok with your family being part of this, but those who are calling to boycott these slave-drivers are the ones doing the hurting? Crazy! Seems you and your family have reached your full potential :/
More like work of bendy wendy or the bishops finger. You can tell by the way its worded and contradiction in it.
Geoff Themagpie Robinson
Sun seeker, my friends in Liverpool son worked a SD unfortunately he was told about the share option at SD for workers would have been worth around £15k to him but to get the share issue as a SD worker you had to have worked fir 7yrs for SD and be on full-time contract but as you know probably 95% of SD workers are on zero hour contracts
William New Carney
Does anyone know where i can buy the newcastle shirt that has bobby robsons foundation on instead of wonga, I saw it on Ashleyout website once but now I can’t find it.
Peter Parker
It was just a photoshop mock up. It never existed in reality.